Hanging Arrow

In archery, a hanging arrow is an arrow that drops below the level of the other arrows on the bowstring. Hanging arrows can occur for a variety of reasons, including differences in arrow weight, length, or stiffness, variations in bowstring tension, and issues with the bow setup.

Why Do Hanging Arrows Occur?

There are several reasons why hanging arrows may occur in archery:

Arrow Weight and Length

Arrows that are heavier or longer than the others in the quiver can drop lower on the bowstring due to gravity. This can cause the arrow to be misaligned with the rest of the arrows, resulting in a hanging arrow.

Arrow Stiffness

Arrows with a different stiffness or spine rating than the others can cause them to flex more, which can cause them to drop lower on the bowstring. This can also result in a hanging arrow.

Bowstring Tension

Variations in bowstring tension can also cause hanging arrows. A bowstring that is too loose or too tight can cause arrows to hang lower on the bowstring. This can lead to a hanging arrow and subsequent shots being low.

Bow Setup

Issues with the bow setup can also cause hanging arrows. For example, if the nocking point is too low, the arrows will sit lower on the bowstring, causing a hanging arrow.

The Impact of Hanging Arrows on Accuracy

Hanging arrows can impact the accuracy of subsequent shots in archery. If the archer does not adjust their aim to compensate for the hanging arrow, subsequent arrows may also fall low, resulting in a group of shots that are consistently low. This can lead to frustration and a decrease in accuracy.

Addressing Hanging Arrows

To address the issue of a hanging arrow, the archer can take several steps:

Adjust Bowstring Tension

One approach is to adjust the bowstring tension to ensure that all arrows are at the same level on the bowstring. This can be done by tightening or loosening the bowstring, depending on the specific bow and arrows being used. It is important to note that bowstring tension should be adjusted incrementally to avoid damaging the bow or the arrows.

Adjust Aim

Another approach is to adjust the aim of subsequent shots to compensate for the hanging arrow. This requires the archer to visually assess the position of the hanging arrow and make a mental adjustment to their aim to ensure that subsequent shots are on target. This is a quick fix that can be used at the moment to improve accuracy.

Change the Arrow

If a hanging arrow persists despite adjusting the bowstring tension or the archer's aim, it may be necessary to switch out the arrow. Choosing an arrow that is more consistent in weight, length, and stiffness can help prevent hanging arrows.

Preventing Hanging Arrows

To prevent hanging arrows from occurring, the archer can take several steps:

Consistent Arrow Weight and Length

Using arrows that are consistent in weight and length can help prevent hanging arrows due to variations in arrow characteristics. This can be achieved by purchasing arrows from the same manufacturer or purchasing arrows from the same lot number.

Consistent Bowstring Tension

Ensuring that the bowstring tension is consistent can also help prevent hanging arrows. The bowstring should be checked regularly to ensure that it is not too loose or too tight.The bowstring should be tight enough to hold the arrows firmly in place, but not so tight that the arrows are lifted off the bowstring.

Tune the Bow

Tuning the bow involves adjusting various components of the bow to ensure that it's firing arrows consistently and accurately. Tuning can involve adjusting the bowstring, arrow rest, and other components. By tuning the bow, the archer can reduce the chance of a hanging arrow and improve accuracy.